Friday, 26 February 2010

Helsinki here I come.

Finland Last night.

Ten summers ago I went to Helsinki. I imagined I'd never see the city in the snow. But today is the day the winter will really defrost my heart.


LAM said...

Hey Lovely, thanks for your postcard. I am in Berlin now. I shall find time to pen a

WongWingFungW said...

hi Lucy,

i'm an artist and curator in Hong Kong. I have been sending you emails and am interested to show your 'wish you were here' postcard in an exhibition in Hong Kong. I hope you got my emails and letter (i post to Manchester).

Please let me know even if you are not interested.
i had email you details of the show how i encountered you work and my curatorial thoughts.

please let me know if you cant get my email and i will send it to you again.

looking forward to hear from you in Helsinki.

(852) 93043874