Tuesday, 2 February 2010

The Story of Things


Sylvia Waltering and I delivered our 'performative paper' at the Story of Things conference: Reading Narrative in the Visual at MMU's Special Collections on Friday 29th January. It was a well attended day filling us with inspiration, knowledge as well as healthy dose of nerves. Our project 'Belongings' raised many questions regarding the object used as catalyst for narrative possibilities. We read our newly formed narratives aloud to the audience of delegates without much stumbling, vulnerability soon gave way to relief. We have a lot of work still to do on our 'work in progress' but it's fair to say that I've so far loved every minute of the collaboration.


Sylvie said...

Oh Lucy, I've so far loved every minute too! Let's schedule some more working Sundays soon! xx

Abigail Thomas said...

When I saw this advertised I really wanted to come but had to prepare my own talk at Glasgow School of Art Archives. please let me know if you do anything similar again.