Friday, 7 January 2011

how hopeful

A new year, or decade, is full of potential. Start yoga (again), go to tap dancing class, draw for half an hour a day, write two pages upon waking, cycle even in the rain. Instead of implementing new regimes this time around, I intend to rid myself of the old routines that hold me back. Holding on instead of letting go, fixing the unfixable, fierce self-reliance, never calling back. A relieved exit from 2010 in the snowy highs of Heriot Toun, with whiskey, whiskers and warmth, waking to a perfect new year breakfast full of hopeful perspective and eggy bread. Happy new you.


Abigail Thomas said...

May I ask where you got that year planner Lucy? Been searching for just the thing for ages. x

Lucy May Schofield said...

Hey Abigail, I think it's from Magma. A very useful planner indeed. x

Abigail Thomas said...

Thank you!